Our Mission...
Restore empowerment, restore accountability
What Arapaho Voice is about...
Our Mission:
The Mission of Arapaho Voice is to listen to and restore the Voice(s) of the Northern Arapaho Tribal membership regarding the management, accountability, accessibility, transparency, and action of its Leadership for the benefit, success, and future of the Tribe as a whole.
Our Objectives:
Management/Accountability. Hold all Tribal Leadership accountable; require transparency and access to all spending and activity reports and documents related to monies/funds and all Tribal, State, and National programs that could and should benefit the entire Northern Arapaho Tribe.
That new or existing programs require an Oversight group, committee, or representative(s) comprised of Tribal members who will meet with and work with their Leadership in any review and/or implementation processes.
Leaders who attend Local, State, and National events and conventions shall report and bring back viable information that will benefit the entire Tribe, and not for press and media accolades. That those who represent the Tribe shall be honorable and without guile.
That those who have been in violation of this are dealt with in a manner consistent with Tribal Government and Law, without concession(s).
Accessibility. Access to all information, documents, and files that could or would involve Tribal Membership review and vote. Access and availability to all Leadership and their administrations, unless they have good and acceptable reason(s) for their unavailability during business hours.
Transparency. That unredacted and/or untainted records be made accessible and made public to the General Tribal Membership. That true and accurate updates are reported promptly and publicly and not disregarded or renounced without true or significant reason(s).
Those selected as representatives on any oversight group or committee (see above, “Management/Accountability”) will be announced publicly to the Tribal membership so as to reveal any indication(s) of bias or favoritism.
Action. That the enrolled Membership of the Northern Arapaho Tribe shall freely exercise their rights to question, petition, and appeal any decision(s) that they feel are or may be contrary to the benefit of the Northern Arapaho Membership, and that individuals or entities included in such inquires be held accountable for their actions, and that the inquiring Tribal Members will not be met with retribution or penalties.
Social Cohesion & Wellbeing
Cultural Protection and Enhancement
Environmental Quality and Quantity
Economic Growth and Redistribution
Political Autonomy and Advocacy